Shelter Services
Columbus House provides shelter for women, men, Veterans, and families. Shelter services include case management, referrals to mental health and substance abuse treatment programs, employment training programs, education, health services, and links to housing.
New Haven Shelter
Located in the Hill neighborhood of New Haven, the shelter provides beds, meals, and case management for 81 adult men and women nightly.
Middlesex Family Shelter
The Middlesex Family Shelter provides beds and case management for approximately 20 families per year, this includes around 70 people with over half of them youth (under age 24).
Wallingford Emergency Shelter
Located in Wallingford, the shelter provides temporary accommodations and case management for approximately 17 families with children annually.
Winter Family Triage Center
Running from December 1 through April 30, the 40-bed Family Triage Center in New Haven offers case management and a safe, warm space for mothers with children under 16, helping them find longer-term shelter or permanent housing.
Seasonal Warming Center
In partnership with town officials, service providers, and local religious organizations, Columbus House operates a seasonal warming center in Hamden. Columbus House employees staff the center which opens in the evening and accepts walk-ins throughout the night. Those seeking refuge from the cold are offered a welcoming, safe space to get warm along with some snacks and hot beverages. Beds are not provided.
Recovery House
A short-term program for 17 men (including 7 Veterans) who are awaiting placement in sober housing, treatment programs, or permanent housing with out-patient treatment support.
Medical Respite Program
This innovative program provides recuperative care to those who are homeless and exiting the hospital. In addition, the program lowers public healthcare costs by reducing unnecessary hospitalizations. Based out of our New Haven Shelter, referrals come directly from Yale New-Haven Hospital and the VA Hospital in West Haven. The 12-bed program includes 24-hour supervision, referrals to healthcare providers, transportation, and case management. Watch client testimony and view a slideshow about our Medical Respite Program